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Compulsory Acquisition & Compensation

We advise our clients whose properties are to be compulsorily acquired or already acquired by government, statutory corporations, or local governments, on the value of their properties.

At Odudu & Co, we understand that compulsory acquisition and the associated compensation processes can be complex and overwhelming for property owners and affected parties. Our Compulsory Acquisition & Compensation services are designed to provide expert guidance, support, and advocacy to navigate through these challenging situations. With our experienced team of professionals and in-depth knowledge of the legal and regulatory framework, we strive to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive fair and just compensation.

Here's an in-depth look at our Compulsory Acquisition & Compensation services:

1. Expert Advice and Assessment:
Our team of experts provides comprehensive advice and assessment regarding compulsory acquisition matters. We guide property owners and affected parties through the legal and procedural aspects, ensuring a clear understanding of their rights, obligations, and potential compensation entitlements. We analyze the impact of the acquisition on the property and its value, considering factors such as location, market conditions, improvements, and any special attributes that may affect compensation amounts.

2. Negotiations and Settlements:
We act as your advocate and representative throughout the negotiation and settlement process. Our experienced team engages in strategic negotiations with the acquiring authority, leveraging our knowledge and understanding of compensation laws and regulations. We aim to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients, advocating for fair compensation that reflects the true value and potential of the property being acquired.

3. Compensation Assessment and Claims:
Determining the appropriate compensation amount is a crucial aspect of compulsory acquisition. Our team conducts thorough assessments, considering factors such as market value, disturbance, severance, injurious affection, and any other relevant components of compensation. We help property owners and affected parties compile and submit comprehensive compensation claims, ensuring that all valid and relevant factors are taken into account to maximize compensation entitlements.

4. Expert Valuation Services:
Accurate property valuation is essential in determining fair compensation amounts. Our team includes qualified and experienced valuers who specialize in compulsory acquisition cases. We conduct detailed property valuations, considering both the market value and the unique circumstances surrounding the acquisition. Our valuers provide expert reports and evidence to support compensation claims, ensuring that you receive fair and just compensation for your property.

5. Legal Representation and Advocacy:
In cases where legal proceedings become necessary, we provide legal representation and advocacy services. Our team works closely with experienced lawyers who specialize in compulsory acquisition matters. We prepare and present your case, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you have a strong legal position. We strive to achieve favorable outcomes, whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation, while minimizing the impact on your time, resources, and emotional well-being.

6. Mediation and Dispute Resolution:
In situations where disputes arise between property owners and acquiring authorities, we facilitate mediation and alternative dispute resolution processes. Our team acts as neutral mediators, helping parties reach mutually agreeable solutions. We employ our negotiation skills, industry knowledge, and understanding of compensation principles to foster productive dialogue and resolution.

Why Choose Odudu & Co for Compulsory Acquisition & Compensation:
- Specialized Expertise: Our team consists of experts with extensive knowledge and experience in compulsory acquisition and compensation matters, ensuring that you receive accurate advice and effective representation.
- Comprehensive Assessment: We take a holistic approach, considering all relevant factors and components of compensation to maximize your entitlements.
- Advocacy and Representation: We act as your dedicated advocate, working tirelessly to protect your rights and interests throughout the process.
- Strong Network: We have established relationships with legal professionals, valuation experts, and industry stakeholders, allowing us to provide comprehensive support and resources.
- Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize your needs, providing personalized services and tailored solutions that align with your goals and objectives.

At Odudu & Co, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of expertise, support

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